The University of Twente is a public technical university located in Enschede, Netherlands. The university has been placed in the top 170 universities in the world by multiple central ranking tables. In addition, the UT was ranked the best technical university in The Netherlands by Keuzegids Universiteiten, the most significant national university ranking. The UT collaborates with Delft University of Technology, Eindhoven University of Technology and the Wageningen University and Research Centre under the umbrella of 4TU and is also a partner in the European Consortium of Innovative Universities (ECIU). Sixty years of High Tech Human Touch: the University of Twente, which at its founding in 1961 was still called the Twente Technological University of Applied Sciences (in Dutch: THT Technische Hogeschool Twente), managed to distinguish itself early on by integrating technology with the social sciences. In addition, the 'third technical university of applied sciences' also distinguished itself with her campus terrain and approach to education.
At the University of Twente, we are pioneers in fusing technology, science and engineering with social sciences to impact the world around us. Our driving force as students, scientists and educators is a deep sense of connection with people who share a curious, entrepreneurial spirit. All of our research and education is aimed at making a difference in today’s society, while setting up the next generation for the future. In this pursuit, the entrepreneurial mind-set and global awareness of our many talented scientists, educators and students lead us to move beyond differences, disciplines, borders. The cross-disciplinary way of working that characterizes our university opens up unexpected possibilities - especially in combination with creativity and excellence in scientific disciplines. Our distinctive educational model, engineering approach and open culture generate new ideas, new energy, new ways forward. The quality of education at the University of Twente is assessed both internally and externally. Internal quality assurance is organised through dedicated committees and periodic evaluations with students and staff, at the level of courses, programmes and departments. Externally, the institution as a whole and all programmes are assessed by the national accreditation organisation (NVAO) and for some programmes also by accreditation organisations specific to the field of study.
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