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The University of Messina (Unime) is a highly-ranked university located in Southern Italy. It ranks second among large Southern Italy universities in Italian university quality rankings and is among the top 15 universities in Italy for the sustainability of degree courses and the competitiveness of research. Unime has a rich cultural and teaching tradition dating back to the late 13th century with a law school and a well-known Greek school in the 15th century. The university was formally established by Pope Paul III in 1548.
The University of Messina is a prestigious institution located in Messina, Southern Italy, with a rich history dating back to the late 13th century. Although the University was formally established by Pope Paul III in November 1548, its regular activities began in 1596 due to disputes with the Jesuits. The Athenaeum went through a period of intense activity between 1596 and 1678, but was closed due to an anti-Spanish insurrection. After a long period, it was reopened in 1838, but was closed again in 1847 due to an anti-Bourbon revolt. The Athenaeum regained its title of first class Athenaeum in 1885 and faced challenges such as the earthquake of 1908. Despite challenges, the University of Messina has continued to be a strong political and cultural influence and boasts renowned professors and prominent lecturers.
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