📖Program Curriculum
The SUSP ITE programme comprises two modules:
Research-informed Reflective Practice (EDPM30) is largely university-based and will comprise the following:
Core Studies: focusing on the overarching issues that drive policies within the Welsh cultural context
Subject Studies: focusing on the specifics of pedagogy in your subject area, lesson planning, understanding your subject's place in the Areas of Learning and Experience (AoLE)
Subject Knowledge Enhancement: Focusing on reviewing the curriculum requirements in your subject area and preparing you for the topics you may be teaching
Professional and Pedagogical Studies: focusing on the implications for your subject area on whole school issues such as provision for children with additional learning needs, differentiation and assessment.
Research Methods in Education: focusing on research methodologies suitable for educational purposes and preparing you for your close-to-practice research project.
EDPM30 carries 60 level 7 credits. Student teachers who complete 60 Level 7 credits can carry over the credits to our MA Education
Professional Practice (EDP300) is designed to ensure that all student teachers develop a deep understanding of the how the Professional Standards for Teaching and Leadership link to the Four Purposes of the new Curriculum for Wales. This module leads to the recommendation for Qualified Teacher Status (QTS). Student teachers will spend a minimum of 120 days on Professional Practice in two schools in the network within which they are placed, with additional opportunities in a range of complimentary settings. EDP300 integrates research with classroom practice through a Practice and Theory course delivered jointly by Subject Tutors and expert teachers in network schools. Subject Mentors and Subject Tutors will provide strong individualised support for student teachers working towards meeting the Professional Standard for Teaching and Leadership.
Year 1 (Level 7T)
FHEQ 7 Taught Masters / PGDip / PGCert
Compulsory Modules
Module Name Module Duration Credits Module Code
Professional Practice September-June 60 EDP300
research informed Reflective Practice: Mathematics September-June 60 EDPM30B