The Bachelor's in Science Honours in Business Analytics IICT at Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology is a 3 year long program for international students taught in English.
Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST) is a public tertiary education institution in Malta. It was founded in 1989 and offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs in the fields of business, engineering, IT, education, and health sciences. MCAST is ranked #801-1000 in the QS World University Rankings 2024.
The degree in Business Analytics is aimed at individuals who wish to learn how to utilise data to address demanding challenges in today’s business world. Through the use of applied methodology, analytical skills and hands-on lab sessions, students will learn how to use analytical tools to derive insight on hidden trends and patterns to leverage business success. One will learn how to develop, implement, and test bespoke solutions for resolving problems in specific scenarios. The taught component covers skills related to software engineering, software development, data organisation and persistence and the analysis of data using the latest technologies in business intelligence, reporting, machine learning, data science and big data. From a business standpoint, the degree covers aspects such as critical thinking skills, building strategies for promoting businesses, understanding consumer behaviour, and learning about laws governing a business process. A work placement component will help students to work within the industry and gain experience alongside real-world professionals. At the end of the degree programme, the students will pursue a research component in the form of a dissertation. The course is intended for individuals who are keen to use technologies in order to improve the overall performance of a business. Il-Business Analytics huwa mmirat għal individwi li jixtiequ jitgħallmu kif jutilizzaw id-data biex jindirizzaw sfidi fid-dinja tan-negozju tal-lum. Permezz tal-użu ta’ metodoloġija applikata, ħiliet analitiċi u sessjonijiet ta’ laboratorju prattiċi, l-istudenti se jitgħallmu kif jużaw għodod analitiċi biex jiksbu għarfien dwar xejriet u xejriet moħbija biex jisfruttaw is-suċċess tan-negozju. Wieħed se jitgħallem kif jiżviluppa, jimplimenta, u jittestja soluzzjonijiet apposta biex isolvu problemi f’xenarji speċifiċi. Il-komponent mgħallem ikopri ħiliet relatati mal-inġinerija tas-software, l-iżvilupp tassoftware, l-organizzazzjoni u l-persistenza tad-date u l-analiżi tad-data bl-użu tal-aħħar teknoloġiji fl-intelliġenza kummerċjali, ir-rappurtar, it-tagħlim tal-magni, ix-xjenza tad-data u l-big data. Mil-lat tan-negozju, il-grad ikopri aspetti bħal ħiliet ta’ ħsieb kritiku, bini ta’ strateġiji għall-promozzjoni tannegozji, l-imġiba tal-konsumatur, u t-tagħlim dwar liġijiet li jirregolaw proċess tan-negozju. I-prattika fuq il-post tax-xogħol se jgħin lill-istudenti biex jaħdmu fl-industrija u jiksbu esperjenza flimkien ma’ professjonisti tad-dinja reali. Fi tmiem il-programm, l-istudenti se jsegwu komponent ta’ riċerka fil-forma ta’ teżi. Il-kors huwa maħsub għal individwi li huma ħerqana li jużaw it-teknoloġiji sabiex itejbu l-prestazzjoni ġenerali ta’ negozju.
MCAST is a public tertiary education institution in Malta. It was founded in 1979 and offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs in the fields of business, engineering, IT, and the creative arts. MCAST is ranked #801-1000 in the QS World University Rankings 2024. MCAST is a popular choice for students who want to study in Malta but do not want to attend the University of Malta. The college offers a more vocational-focused education, and its programs are designed to prepare students for the workforce. MCAST also offers a number of scholarships and financial aid programs to help students from low-income families.
You will need to book the accommodation after you have been accepted.
You can choose to live on campus or off campus in private accommodation.
Register when you arrive
It’s not possible to reserve a room before arriving. You can arrive a few days before and book it.
Register when you arrive
It’s not possible to reserve a room before arriving. You can arrive a few days before and book it.
Application Fee
$230 USD
$230 USD
Tuition Fee
$8,253 USD
$8,253 USD
per year
The minimum age is 18 .
English Fluent is required.
Minimum education level High school certificate
You need to have above average grades for the program. .
All students from all countries are eligible to apply to this program.
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Application Fee
$230 USD
Service Fee
$100 USD
June 01, 2025
$8,253 USD per year
$24,759 USD in total
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