📖Program Curriculum
Project details
Once children have become proficient in using small numbers, they are faced with new challenges as soon as numbers get bigger. One of these challenges concerns the so-called place-value structure of multi-digit numbers. The place-value structure requires to understand that any digit in a multi-digit number informs about both the size (via the digit face value) and the bundle it represents (i.e. units, tens, hundreds, etc. by its position in the digit string). Place-value knowledge is essential whenever multi-digit numbers are processed and seems to be one fundamental building block for later arithmetic performance.
This project focuses on broadening our knowledge with respect to the development of multi-digit number knowledge in young children (before and through the first years of elementary school) by investigating its developmental trajectories, its relation to later arithmetic performance, training effectiveness as well as differences and commonalities across schooling systems and/or language groups.
The successful applicant will join the vibrant community of the Centre for Mathematical Cognition and the Mathematics Education Centre. The Centre for Mathematical Cognition, founded in 2019, includes new research facilities and brings together academics who conduct research in three different areas:
basic research on mathematical cognition
the design of research-based educational resources
the evaluation of educational interventions.
For informal enquiries about the project, please contact Dr Julia Bahnmueller.