First Year
Mandatory Courses
Advanced Structural Mechanics (1, Core, ICAR/08, 9 CFU)
Geotechnical Engineering (1, Core, ICAR/07, 6 CFU)
Numerical Methods (1, Related, MAT/08, 12 CFU)
Advanced Design of Structures (2, Core, ICAR/09, 9 CFU)
Advanced Hydrosystems Engineering (2, Core, ICAR/02, 9 CFU)
Design Projects (2, Other, 6 CFU)
Sustainable Transport System Design (2, Core, ICAR/05, 9 CFU)
Second Year
Mandatory Courses
Managing Engineering and Construction Processes (1, Related, ING-IND/35, 6 CFU)
Final Examination (18 CFU)
Group A (Max 18 CFU)
Final Examination (18 CFU)
Group B (Max 18 CFU)
Internship Abroad for Preparation of the Final Examination (12 CFU)
Internship for Preparation for the Final Examination (12 CFU)
Preparation for the Final Examination Abroad (12 CFU)
Final Examination (6 CFU)
Elective Courses (24 CFU)
Mechanics of Historical Masonry Structures (1, Core, ICAR/08, 6 CFU)
Structural Safety (1, Core, ICAR/09, 6 CFU)
Structural Strengthening & Rehabilitation (1, Core, ICAR/09, 6 CFU)
Computational Mechanics (2, Core, ICAR/08, 6 CFU)
Design of Foundations and Retaining Structures (2, Core, ICAR/07, 6 CFU)
Earthquake Engineering (2, Core, ICAR/09, 6 CFU)
Courses Freely Chosen by Students (12 - 18 CFU)
Engineering Geology (1, Related, GEO/05, 6 CFU)
Flood and Drought Risk Management (1, Related, ICAR/02, 6 CFU)
Geomatics for GIS (1, Related, ICAR/06, 6 CFU)
Groundwater and Contamination Processes (1, Related, ICAR/01, 6 CFU)
Mechanics of Historical Masonry Structures (1, Related, ICAR/08, 6 CFU)
Road Safety Engineering (1, Related, ICAR/04, 6 CFU)
Science and Technology of Composite Materials (1, Related, ING-IND/22, 6 CFU)
Structural Safety (1, Related, ICAR/09, 6 CFU)
Structural Strengthening & Rehabilitation (1, Related, ICAR/09, 6 CFU)
Biotechnology for the Sustainable Reclamation of Contaminated Lands and Waters (2, Related, ICAR/03, 6 CFU)
Building Information Modeling (2, Related, ICAR/17, 6 CFU)
Climate Change Adaptation (2, Related, ICAR/02, 6 CFU)
Computational Wind Engineering (2, Related, ICAR/08, 6 CFU)
Coastal Engineering (2, Related, ICAR/01, 6 CFU)
Computational Mechanics (2, Related, ICAR/08, 6 CFU)
Design of Foundations and Retaining Structures (2, Related, ICAR/07, 6 CFU)
Earthquake Engineering (2, Related, ICAR/09, 6 CFU)
Large-Scale Water Structures (2, Related, ICAR/02, 6 CFU)
Maintenance and Management of Large Scale Structures (2, Related, ICAR/09, 6 CFU)
Public Procurement (2, Related, IUS/10, 6 CFU)
Science of Climate Change (2, Related, ICAR/02, 6 CFU)
Sustainability in Construction (2, Related, ICAR/09, 6 CFU)
Sustainable Road Infrastructures (2, Related, ICAR/04, 6 CFU)
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