📚About the Program
Master’s in Science in Environmental Resource Management at Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology
Given that human activities significantly influence the natural environment, the MSc in Environmental Resource Management will provide students with an in-depth understanding of what the implications of such activities on the environment are and what mitigation measures are needed in order to reduce such influences. Like any long-term strategy, understanding and safeguarding the environment requires a holistic perspective; since safeguarding one aspect today might have ripple effects on other factors eventually. The programme is characterised by several modules that will allow students to develop technical solutions needed to solve, attenuate or control environmental issues. Specialised modules include Renewable Energy and Green Technologies, which aims to examine the technical, economic, and political aspects of renewable energy, as well as evaluate the successes and failures of implementing alternative energies at the local, national, and regional levels. The Food-Energy-Water Nexus unit will provide students with a thorough understanding of the complex and dynamic interrelationships between water, energy and food. Essentially, this will enable the use and management of such resources sustainably. Ecotoxicology aims to assess the effects of different classes of pollutants on individual organisms and on species in food webs, enabling students to predict the negative implications on entire populations, ecosystems and on human food resources.
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