Basic Research Courses: (6 units)
Seminar on Writing the Doctoral Dissertation (APT103D) 3 units
This course presents the various theories methods and techniques for research on a topic for a doctoral dissertation and provides the practical exercises illustrating the theories methods and techniques in the conduct of research
Methods of Qualitative Research (APT583D) 3 units
This course focuses on the application to standard methods of data collection and recording and interpretation of field research reports
Core Philosophy Course: (3 units)
Appropriating Philosophy for Theology (APT217D) 3 units
The systematized knowledge of a people known as philosophy has traditionally been utilized in theology What is the relation between culture and philosophy? How important is cultural analysis and how should it be done? What are the dynamics involved between philosophy and theology? What needs to be taken into account by practitioners of’ theology when using philosophical presuppositions concepts and vocabulary
Major Courses: (21 units)
Contemporary Methods of Interpreting the Bible (APT102D) 3 units
An exposition illustration and critical analysis of the various exegetical methods used in interpreting the Bible in the contemporary context
Contemporary Issues in Christology (APT212D) 3 units
This course explores critical issues in Christology that are rooted in the relationship between the human and the divine in the person of Jesus Christ It discusses the old-aged questions on who Jesus is and what he has done It will examine modern Christological and Soteriological discourses and connect them to the human and the spiritual experiences of people today
Contemporary Systematic Theology (APT912D) 3 units
A study on the contemporary interpretations of the main Christian themes based on different lenses: existentialism liberation theology political theology and socio-psychological approach
Contemporary Moral Theology (APT234D) 3 units
This course initiates a dialogue between the study of major historical texts on Christian discernment and the exploration of concrete cases and moral issues that Christians in various ministries encounter in today’s world
History of Vatican II Reception and Post-Conciliar Developments (APT226D) 3 units
The Second Vatican Council was a theological watershed for Catholicism This historical and theological exposition of Vatican II will focus on the main theological insights embodied in its sixteen documents and their relevance to contemporary applied theology
Models of Doing Contextual Theology/Christology (APT215D) 3 units
An analytic and evaluative examination of the various models of doing theology in context (Christology) with illustrations from the work of various theologians
Contemporary Liturgy and Sacraments (APT916D) 3 units
The study of the historical development and acculturation of liturgy; an analysis of the practice of Christian worship in its social and ecclesial context
Cognate Subject: Contemporary Spiritualities (APT232D) 3 units
This course defines spirituality as a field of study explores the relationship between spiritual praxis and research in spirituality surveys different contemporary spiritualities evaluates the notion of a “spiritual classic” and examines issues in the historical study of spirituality
Oral Comprehensive Examination: The students formulate thesis statements (theological paper) on different areas of specialization (Scriptures Systematic Theology Theological Ethics/Morality Spirituality) and will orally defend the research before the panel of examiners
Dissertation Writing – 12 units
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