Year One Courses: The Baylor Difference
Our three-tiered curriculum is designed to ensure that all students have the strong foundational knowledge and quantitative skills essential for all biomedical scientists while providing the opportunity to dive deep into their chosen field of research.
Foundational Curriculum
The first tier of our Ph.D. program is our foundational curriculum. During the first two terms of the year, students in most programs participate in a rigorous pair of Foundations courses that provide a breadth of knowledge across the biological sciences, including cellular biology, genetics, macromolecules, proteostasis, tissues, development and biostatistics. Additionally, all students participate in a four-course series in the Responsible Conduct of Research throughout their first four years in the program. These courses are a combination of the required National Institutes of Health training in areas of authorship, research ethics regarding humans and animals, rigor, reproducibility and collaboration, as well as additional workshops on important professional and personal development topics.
Programmatic Core
Beyond the Foundations, each of our Ph.D. programs has a core of required courses to provide students with an in-depth understanding of their field, including theory, practical aspects and methodologies, as well as exposing students to vital skills in critical thinking, evaluating contemporary research literature, presentation skills, grant writing and collaboration. Additionally, students regularly attend lecture series by Baylor faculty and researchers, visiting experts and their fellow students.
Student-Choice Electives
The third tier of our cross-cutting curriculum allows students to select elective coursework that supports their interests in their specific area of research. Students may select from dozens of elective options offered by our graduate programs, as well as interdisciplinary courses offered by the Graduate School in our central curriculum.
Responsible Conduct of Research
All students participate in a four-course series in the Responsible Conduct of Research throughout their first four years in the program. The required training complies with the current recommendations of the National Institutes of Health for instruction in the responsible conduct of research including in areas of authorship, research ethics regarding humans and animals, rigor, reproducibility and collaboration, as well as additional workshops on important professional and personal development topics. Upon completion of the requirements, a certificate of attendance will be issued.
Year Two
In year two students continue with coursework focused on building the knowledge and skills required for their area of focus. Studens will work with their program leadership and thesis mentor to identify which courses are needed to round out their didactic education. Students will complete the Qualifying Exam, which requires them to prepare and defend their research proposal. Working with their mentors, students develop their thesis project, assemble a Thesis Advisory Committee and begin conducting dissertation research.
Year Three to Graduation
The average time to degree for Baylor graduate students is six years. In years three through graduation and beyond, students will conduct dissertation research while meeting regularly with their mentor and Thesis Advisory Committee for guidance and assistance in monitoring progress. Students also attend seminars and conferences at the College as well as at other institutions of the Texas Medical Center and national and international meetings.
The final goal is a dissertation describing the results of original research. Most students have multiple publications that constitute the core of their dissertation. These papers frequently are published in high-quality, peer-reviewed journals. The dissertation defense involves a public seminar and oral defense to the Thesis Advisory Committee
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