📖Program Curriculum
This is an Associate of Science Degree in Core Curriculum with Pathway Courses related to Agriculture-Avian Biology.
Core Curriculum (Areas A-E) - 42 hours
Refer to Core Curriculum (Areas A-E)
Area A1: No exceptions
Area A2: MATH 1113 or higher recommended
Area B: No exceptions
Area C: No exceptions
Area D: BIOL 1107K-1108K or CHEM 1211/1211L-CHEM 1212/1212L recommended. Recommended Area D elective: MATH 1401.
Area E: No exceptions
Area F: Pathway Courses - 18 hours
Required Courses (11-18 hours)
BIOL 1107K - Principles of Biology I
BIOL 1108K - Principles of Biology II
CHEM 1211 - Principles of Chemistry I
CHEM 1211L - Principles of Chemistry I Laboratory
CHEM 1212 - Principles of Chemistry II
CHEM 1212L - Principles of Chemistry II Laboratory
POUL 2020K - Introductory Poultry Science
CHEM 1211/1211L & CHEM 1212/1212L or BIOL 1107K & BIOL 1108/1108K are recommended for AREA D. If not taken in Area D, should be taken in Area F.
Other electives may be selected in consultation with Academic Advisor.
Elective Courses (0-7 hours)
Select in consultation with Academic Advisor
ACCT 2101 - Principles of Accounting I
ACCT 2102 - Principles of Accounting II
AGRI 2050 - Agriculture and the Impact on Culture
ECON 2105 - Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON 2106 - Principles of Microeconomics
PHYS 1111 - Introductory Physics I and
PHYS 1111L - Introductory Physics I Lab
PHYS 1111K - Introductory Physics I
PHYS 1112 - Introductory Physics II and
PHYS 1112L - Introductory Physics II Lab
PHYS 1112K - Introductory Physics II
POUL 2040 - Poultry Evaluation *
POUL 2953 - Poultry Science Internship
One 1000-level MATH course (not taken as part of Area A or Area D)
*POUL 2040 may be taken twice for a total of two credits
Other Requirements
US and Georgia History Requirements
US and Georgia Constitution Requirements
Regents’ Skills Program Requirements
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