First Year
1) Mandatory courses
Communication Systems: Theory and Measurement - Period 1, 9 credits
Electromagnetic Propagation for Wireless Systems - Period 1, 9 credits
Network Design - Period 1, 6 credits
Antennas for Wireless Systems - Period 2, 6 credits
Communication Theory and Coding - Period 2, 6 credits
Mobile Radio Networks - Period 2, 6 credits
Optical Fiber Systems - Period 2, 6 credits
Trends in Communications - Period 2, 3 credits
2) Elective courses (6 CFU)
Choose 6 credits among the following courses:
Mathematical Methods - Period 1, 6 credits
Optimization Models and Algorithms - Period 1, 6 credits
3) Elective courses (3 CFU)
Choose 3 credits among the following courses:
Software Development - Period 1, 3 credits
Cyber-Creativity and Innovation - Period 2, 3 credits
Laboratory of Networking - Period 2, 3 credits
Project Management and Soft Skills - Period 2, 3 credits
Second Year
1) Final examination (24 CFU)
As part of the final exam, students may choose to carry out practical and research activities within companies/institutions external to Unibo or within Unibo laboratories. Such preparatory activities may be registered in students’ records to specify the type of work carried out, either on a pass/fail basis or with a grade, depending on the cases. Students may therefore choose to carry out their final exam only (Group A) or the final exam + an activity, to be chosen among: internship for the preparation of the final thesis, internship for the preparation abroad of the final thesis, or preparation abroad of the final thesis (Group B).
1.1) Group A (max limit 24 CFU)
Final Examination - 24 credits
1.2) Group B (max limit 24 CFU)
Internship Abroad for Preparation for the Final Examination - 21 credits
Internship for Preparation for the Final Examination - 21 credits
Preparation for the Final Examination Abroad - 21 credits
Final Examination - 3 credits
2) Elective courses (First group) (12 CFU)
Choose 12 credits among the following courses:
Radioprotection and Spectrum Management - Period 1, 6 credits
Wireless Sensor Networks - Period 1, 6 credits
Multimedia Services and Applications - Period 2, 6 credits
Satellite Communication and Navigation Systems - Period 2, 6 credits
Technologies and Applications of Wireless Power Transfer - Period 2, 6 credits
3) Elective courses (Second group) (6 CFU)
Choose 6 credits among the following courses:
High Frequency Electronic Circuits - Period 1, 6 credits
Introduction to Computer Architectures - Period 1, 6 credits
Mathematical Methods - Period 1, 6 credits
Optimization Models and Algorithms - Period 1, 6 credits
Optimization and Machine Learning - Period 2, 6 credits
Principles, Models and Applications for Distributed Systems - Period 2, 6 credits
4) Elective courses (6 CFU)
Choose 6 credits among the following courses:
Internet of Things - Period 1, 3 credits
Laboratory of Advanced Networking - Period 1, 3 credits
Laboratory of Wireless Communications - Period 1, 3 credits
Protocols and Architectures for Space Networks - Period 1, 3 credits
Software Development - Period 1, 3 credits
Connected Vehicles - Period 2, 3 credits
Cyber-Creativity and Innovation - Period 2, 3 credits
Laboratory of High Frequency Electronic Circuit Design - Period 2, 3 credits
Laboratory of Networking - Period 2, 3 credits
Project Management and Soft Skills - Period 2, 3 credits
Internship in ICT - 6 credits
5) Courses freely chosen by the student (12 - 18 CFU)
Choose at least 12 credits. The course board suggests the following courses:
Big Data Communications - Period 1, 6 credits
Mathematical Methods - Period 1, 6 credits
Optimization Models and Algorithms - Period 1, 6 credits
Radioprotection and Spectrum Management - Period 1, 6 credits
Wireless Sensor Networks - Period 1, 6 credits
Cyber-Creativity and Innovation - Period 2, 3 credits
Machine Learning and Deep Learning - Period 2
Deep Learning - Period 2, 6 credits
Machine Learning and Data Mining - Period 1, 6 credits
Multimedia Services and Applications - Period 2, 6 credits
Optimization and Machine Learning - Period 2, 6 credits
Project Management and Soft Skills - Period 2, 3 credits
Satellite Communication and Navigation Systems - Period 2, 6 credits
Technology and Change in Global Politics - Period 2, 6 credits
Technologies and Applications of Wireless Power Transfer - Period 2, 6 credits
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