📚About the Program
Master’s in Management Engineering at University Carlo Cattaneo (LIUC)
The figure of the master's management engineer is assuming increasing importance for the growth and development of companies and, more generally, of public and private organizations, thanks to his/her ability to design, direct and coordinate complex systems in which he/she is called upon to govern the dynamic relationship between the technological, economic, environmental and social dimensions. The LIUC School of Industrial Engineering trains master's degree management engineers capable of operating in multiple organizational contexts, through a training path that deepens the skills characterizing management engineering, specializes them in some crucial areas for the world of professions of the future ( data science, healthcare and pharmaceuticals, digitalization ) and integrates them with transversal skills essential for covering roles of responsibility and coordination, such as critical thinking applied to innovation processes and the use of artificial intelligence, advanced problem solving, tolerance to stress and negotiation, self-awareness, attention to environmental and social sustainability issues and multidisciplinarity.
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