The master's programme runs for a duration of two years, leading to a Master of Science (MSc) degree. During each year, students can earn 60 credits (ECTS) and complete the programme by accumulating a total of 120 credits. Each semester consists of a combination of theory courses, method courses, and design studios. The theory and method courses are based on lectures, literature, seminars, and shorter design assignments. A design studio focuses on the development of a design project. It is normally case study based.
Within the programme, you can find both compulsory courses, that everyone in the programme takes, and compulsory elective courses and design studios, where you can choose between different options. On some occasions, you will also be able to select between courses and design studios outside of your programme plan. These are called elective courses. The compulsory elective, the elective courses, and design studios should be seen as options, from which your individual professional profile is shaped during the two years.
Compulsory courses year 1
During the first year semester, the programme starts with compulsory content that forms a common foundation in Architecture and urban design from the perspective of sustainability.
Compulsory courses year 2
In the second year, you must complete a master's thesis in order to graduate. The thesis may be worth 30 credits or 60 credits depending on your choice.
Master’s thesis
Compulsory elective courses
During year 1 and 2, you need to select among compulsory elective courses in order to graduate. Through them you can then specialize in various subjects:
Urban and rural transformations
Building design and transformation
Society, justice, and space
Elective courses
You will also be able to select courses outside of your programme plan. These are called elective courses. You can choose from a wide range of elective courses.
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