Compulsory modules
Molecules and Cells
Fundamentals of Evolution
Medical Microbiology
Fundamentals of Biochemistry
Genetics and Disease
Molecular Biology
Computational Statistics for Biologists
Introduction to Programming
Research Methods
Signal and Image Processing
Compulsory modules
Data Science in Health and Well-being
Digital and Mobile Health
Final Year Research Project
Optional modules
Modelling for Biologists
Biochemical Basis of Disease
Clinical Immunology and Haematology
Applied Molecular Medicine
Applied Machine Learning for Biologists
Evolving Brains and Behaviour
Drugs, Discovery and Development
Population Genomics, Diversity and Bioinformatics
Human Anatomy and Physiology
Bioinformatics Basis for Systems Biology
Human Neurobiology of Disease & Brain
Essential Skills for Biological Sciences
Genome Biology
Chromosomal and Genomic Basis of Disease
Course detail & modules
Integrating practical and theoretical aspects of using information technologies in healthcare and medicine, this Biomedical Informatics degree provides you with a thorough understanding of the key concepts and principles of informatics.
The course aims to integrate practical and theoretical aspects of using information technologies in healthcare and medicine whilst promoting an awareness of the ethical, moral and social implications. The interdisciplinary nature of the course is reinforced by broad departmental expertise and research interests, particularly in areas of:
cell biology
person-centred health and social care.
Year One: You will cover a range of core modules that introduce you to anatomy, physiology, biochemistry and bodily systems. You will also gain an overall picture of the human organism and its essential functions, including microbiology, the structural features of all cells that make up the living system, fundamental genetic mechanisms essential for the evolution of life and function, and the genetics and molecular biology underpinning human biology and health.
Year Two: You will build on your knowledge from the first year by exploring how information technologies can be applied to medicine to improve human health and treat diseases. To this end, three core modules are included at this level to introduce you to some important concepts and principles in informatics, such as medical imaging, computer programming, and computational statistics.
Year Three: You will continue to develop your knowledge and understanding of biomedical informatics through two core modules on healthcare informatics and the choice of two optional modules on diagnosis and treatment of human diseases. This is reinforced by a research project which allows you to explore unique topics of interest.
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