📖Program Curriculum
Compulsory courses (57 credits)
The following courses (fifty-seven credits):
BIO1002 Evolutionary biology
BIO1007 cellular biology
BMR1001 Ecosystem Science
BOT1003 Taxonomy of vascular plants
BOT1006 Plant's biology
ECL1003 General ecology
ECL1004 Plant ecology
ECL1005 Freshwater Ecology
ECL1012 Interpretation of ecological data
ECL1015 Conservation Biology
ECL1016 Environmental microbiology
ECL1017 Methodology in biology-ecology
ECL1018 Molecular ecology
GEO1127 Integrated water management by catchment area
PSL1014 Comparative animal physiology
PSV1002 Plant physiology
STT1039 Quantitative biology
ZOO1001 Invertebrate Zoology
ZOO1002 Vertebrate Zoology
Optional courses (21 to 30 credits)
The student must follow 6 to 9 courses among the following (18 to 27 credits):
BIO1006 Introduction to research in advanced biology
BIO1008 Mushroom biology
ECL1001 Spring Ecophysiology
ECL1010 Behavioral ecology
ECL1011 General biogeography
ECL1013 Field course in terrestrial ecology
ECL1014 Field course in lake and river ecology
ECL1019 International field course in ecology
ECL1020 Winter and northern ecology
ECL1021 Dynamics of exploited populations
ENP1002 Environment and pollution
ENT1001 Insect Biology
ZOO1004 Fish biology
ZOO1005 Mammalian biology
ZOO1006 Bird Biology
ZOO1008 Biology of amphibians and reptiles
The student must take 1 course among the following:
BIO1001 Introduction to research in biology
BIO1005 Internship in the workplace for biologists
Complementary courses (3 to 12 credits)
The student must follow 1 to 4 courses (3 to 12 credits) among the courses of the following list (or any other course, with the approval of the program manager). Some courses are offered online. Consult the list.
List of Suggested Complementary Courses
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