Course detail & modules
This course will cover a number of important areas in psychology. From the start, you will not only develop your knowledge of basic principles, but also have the chance to explore topics in which you have a particular interest.
Your exploration will be aided by our lecturers, many of whom are involved in research. Their specialisms cover fascinating and evolving areas, such as cyber-bullying, binge drinking and honour-based violence. You will also have opportunities to learn from the experiences of practising psychologists who we will invite as guest speakers.
We offer a supportive environment for your studies. You will benefit from an open-door policy, with staff available for academic and pastoral help if you need it. Throughout the course you will also have a personal tutor to work with you.
We will encourage you to take opportunities for work experience. This type of experiential learning will help you to relate your theoretical knowledge to real-world practice. Past students have completed their work experience in a range of settings, including:
victim support schemes
drug support schemes
after-school clubs
market research.
You will also have access to specialised equipment and software that will aid your learning and provide practical research skills. This includes:
experiment building software such as Testable, SuperLab and Psychopy
two eye tracking units with biofeedback integration capability
portable EEG
validated Cognitive ability tests.
Once you complete this course, you can apply for Chartered Membership of the BPS on a Graduate basis. This can open up further opportunities for advanced studies in psychology.
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