📚About the Program

The Cardiff Met LLB (Hons) Law degree is a qualifying law degree (QLD) that combines doctrinal learning with applied skills training. Our QLD degree satisfies the academic stage of professional training for those who want to become solicitors or barristers. For more information on recent changes made to the professional training for becoming solicitors or barristers, please visit the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) and the Bar Standards Board (BSB) websites. Studying law is an intellectually exciting and stimulating experience; law affects every part of our daily lives and the degree encourages you to develop an inquisitive and critical approach, learn to think rationally, communicate succinctly and be able to construct persuasive and effective arguments. You will be able to put legal theory to practice in our purpose-built mock courtroom and supported, through student-centred approaches, to develop further your skills in collaboration, effective communication, legal research, and public speaking. The delivery of our degree is consistent with the Cardiff Met EDGE graduate strategy which assists our students to develop transferable skills in ethicality, digital competence, global perception and entrepreneurship. The EDGE approach brings legal learning to life through a learning environment that demonstrates the 'law in action'. Students will develop transferable skills in a range of 'experiential' 'law lab' activities including client interviewing, letter drafting, mock trials, negotiation, mediation, dispute prevention and resolution, information technology training, digital internships and team collaboration exercises. Our goal is to get our students to think and behave like lawyers and prepare them to work efficiently and innovatively in a variety of careers. This approach to learning and teaching prepares our graduates for the contemporary work environment that is mainly driven by technology, globalisation, commercial awareness, sustainability, social engagement and ethical responsibility. Show less
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📖Program Curriculum

The LLB (Hons) Law offers all the foundation of legal knowledge modules required for a qualifying law degree (QLD) as well as a range of optional modules in contemporary areas of law.

Year 1:
Core Modules:

English Legal System and Legal Skills
Constitutional Law
Contract Law
Criminal Law
Administrative and Human Rights Law
Legal Practice and Client Management

Year 2:
Core Modules:

Law of Torts
Applied Skills in Advocacy
Land Law
Law in Practice and Digital Innovation (Legal Clinic and Digital Work Placement)
Optional Modules*:

Environmental Law and Climate Change Regulation
Cyber Law and Data Protection
Commercial and Consumer Protection Law
Sport Law
Law of Evidence
Year 3:

Core Modules:

Equity and Trusts
European Law
Legal Employability (Work Placement Module)
Optional Modules*:

Research, Enterprise and Legal Innovation (Independent Dissertation and Enterprise Project)
Intellectual Property Law
Health and Wellbeing Law
International Energy Law
Business Enterprise and Company Law
Family Law
Change Leadership

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🏠 Accommodation

You will need to book the accommodation after you have been accepted.

You can choose to live on campus or off campus in private accommodation.

How to book:

  • Make a booking online after you have been accepted (in this case please let us know your choice when you apply).
  • Register when you arrive - its not possible to reserve a room before arriving. You can arrive a few days before and book it
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💰 Fees

Application Fee:

$0 USD

Tuition fee:

15,000 GBP per year

60,000 GBP in total

Entry Requirements

You are not eligible to apply to this program because:

The minimum age is 18.

English fluency is required.
You need to be either:
- A native English speaker
- Studied a degree in English before
- Can demonstrate a high level of English
- Having an English certificate such as IELTS level 6 or TOEFL 95 and above is an advantage.

Minimum education level: High School.

The program is competitive, you need to have a high grades of Average A, 70%, or a high GPA.

All students from all countries are eligible to apply to this program.

Is this not correct? You can edit your profile or contact us.
Or see the list of programs you are eligible for here .
Check Your Eligibility Show Suitable Programs

📬 Admissions Process

3 Steps to Apply to a University

Application step 1

Application step 2

Application step 3

Please choose the programs here , "You are advised to select 2-3 programs to increase your chances of getting accepted.

Required Documents:

  • Passport
  • Graduation certificate
  • Passport size photo
  • Official transcript
  • Personal statement
  • English certificate (You can take the English test online)
  • Guarantor letter

Preparing documents:

You can start your application now and send the application documents during your application. Some documents you can send later if you don’t have them right away. Some more info about preparing application documents is here

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Application process:

Applying Online is simple in just a few steps. More information is available here.

The first steps are to choose the programs, pay the application fee and upload the application documents.

Once submitted to Global Admissions, we will review your application within 2-3 days and proceed to the university or ask you for further clarification

After it has been processed to the university you will receive your unique application ID from each university.

The university may contact you directly for further questions.

We will then follow up each week with the university for updates. As soon as there is any update we will let you know. If you have made other plans, decide to withdraw / change address at any time please let us know.

After you have been accepted you will receive your admissions letter electronically and asked to pay the non-refundable deposit to the university.

Once you have paid the deposit the university will issue you the admissions letter and visa form to your home country.

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Here is some more information about the enrollment process after you have been accepted.

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