As a prospective university student, you may be wondering whether it's worth investing time and effort in learning a new language. The answer is a resounding yes! Being multilingual offers a range of benefits that can enhance your personal and professional life. Multilingualism is not just a skill; it's a powerful asset that can open doors in both your professional and personal life.
Let's look at some of the main advantages of being multilingual that can enrich your university experience and shape your future endeavours.
Enhance Communication
When you speak multiple languages, you have the ability to communicate with a broader range of people from different lingu
istic backgrounds.
Being multilingual also enhances your listening and comprehension skills, which means being able to pick up on subtle nuances and cultural references that may not translate directly. It can expand your vocabulary and perspective of concepts that are unique to a language.
Of course, being multilingual can also give you a confidence boost when it comes to socializing with others. Learning a language involves practicing speaking it with others, which also trains your ability to express yourself effectively. You may find yourself articulating thoughts and ideas with more clarity and conviction, to others and in your own thoughts.
Expand Career Opportunities
In today's globalized economy, being multilingual can also open up a world of career opportunities. Many employers value language skills and actively seek out candidates who can speak multiple languages. Whether you're interested in international business, diplomacy, or translation, being multilingual can give you a competitive edge in the job market.
Deepen Your Cultural Competence
Learning different languages goes hand in hand with gaining insight into the cultures, traditions, and perspectives associated with them. This broadens your horizons and nurtures your appreciation for diversity, making you a more globally minded and empathetic citizen of the world.
Investing your time and effort into learning foreign languages shows other people that you value and respect different cultures. Speaking with others in their language can demonstrate empathy, understanding and cultural competence, making it easier for you to connect with others in both personal and professional contexts.
Improve Your Brain Performance
Finally, being multilingual has been shown to contribute to better brain performance. Studies have found that bilingual individuals have better cognitive flexibility, memory, and problem-solving skills than monolingual individuals. Learning a new language can also delay the onset of age-related cognitive decline, which means that being multilingual can benefit you throughout your life.
As a multilingual student, you'll enjoy a sharper intellect, heightened creativity, and greater adaptability, all of which are helpful to your academic success and personal growth.
Language Programs at Universities
From intensive immersion courses to specialized language majors, there are many ways you can study languages. Universities across the globe provide a wide range of courses that will help develop your multilingual skills. Here are some examples of programs that you can apply to through our platform right now.
- Introduction to Chinese Culture Online Course - Beijing Language and Culture University
- Bachelor’s in Language and the Mind - Mount Allison University
- Bachelor’s in Indigenous Languages - Simon Fraser University
- Bachelor’s in Greek and Latin Language and Literature - University of Victoria
- Bachelor’s in Languages - Lakehead University
- Bachelor’s in Chinese and Japanese - The University of Manchester
- Irish Language Diploma - Ulster University
- Certificate in Modern Arabic Language and Culture - Concordia University Montreal
- Ancient Languages - Memorial University of Newfoundland
From improving communication and career opportunities to deepening cultural competence and contributing to brain performance, learning a new language is a valuable investment in yourself.
So, whether you're interested in exploring language programs or want to practice a language while you study abroad, we're here to help you take the first step and apply to universities.