While they say university will be the best years of your life, it most often negates the financial aspect. In many cases, being a student can be expensive. There is a solution to making the most of your studies abroad without breaking the bank: student discount cards.
Student discount cards provide students access to exclusive discounts on a wide range of products and services. They can help you save money on daily expenses, accommodation costs, transportation, products, entrance fees, food, and much more. By utilizing these cards wisely during your time abroad, you can significantly reduce your expenses and make the most of your available budget.
The Ultimate Money-Saving Hack
Before you jet off to study abroad, research student discount card options available to you. Many countries have their own national or regional student discount programs, and some international organizations provide globally recognized student discount cards that can be used in multiple countries. We’ll take a look at examples of global, regional, and local student cards further down.
To take advantage of your student card, explore the various discounts and deals offered by local businesses such as restaurants, theaters, museums, transportation providers, and others. As well as that, look out for student discounts when it comes to services such as phone plans, accommodation options, subscription plans, and delivery services, to name a few. You may even be able to snag student deals on travel tickets or tours domestically or in neighboring countries.
Global ID Cards
Global student discount cards are a great way to save money on your study abroad adventure, as they give you access to a wide range of discounts on various products and services. Often issued by your university or local region, these cards serve as evidence of your student status. Whether you want to book a flight, find a hotel, watch a movie, eat out, or shop online, you can use these cards to get the best deals and offers with a large number of partner providers.
- International Student Identity Card (ISIC): According to its website, "the ISIC card is the only internationally accepted student identity card which provides student status verification, thousands of discounts worldwide and access to the global student community." It is the most widely recognized and accepted student card in the world, with over 150,000 discounts in more than 130 countries. It is also the only student card that is endorsed by UNESCO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Discounts are available on travel, accommodation, entertainment, food, shopping, and much more. Well-known brands that partner with ISIC are Apple, H&M, Nike, Spotify and Lonely Planet. This card is also considered valid proof of your student status in many places, such as museums, public transport, and libraries.
- International Youth Travel Card (IYTC): Offered by the same provider, IYTC is similar to ISIC, but designed for young people who are not full-time students, allowing them to enjoy the benefits of student discounts. Unlike ISIC which has no upper age limit, IYTC cardholders need to be under 31 years old. IYTC offers the same discounts as ISIC, plus some additional ones that are exclusive to IYTC, such as youth hostels, adventure tours, and travel insurance.
Regional & Local ID Cards
Regional student discount cards are cards that are specific to a certain region or continent, and offer discounts on products and services in the area, such as attractions, activities, public transport and other essentials. Local student cards are those issued by your university or city, offering discounts specific to that location.
Here are some student cards you may be able to get if you are studying abroad in one of these regions.
- Canada - Student Price Card (SPC): Exclusive to students in Canada, SPC offers discounts on more than 450 partner stores in the country. Cardholders can get 10 to 20% off on fashion, tech, beauty, travel, and more. It costs CA$10 for a year-long membership. Learn more: spccard.ca
- Europe - European Youth Card: This card is valid in 38 countries across Europe, giving you discounts on over 60,000 products and services in the continent, including museums, festivals, cinemas, hostels, transport, and more. To be eligible for this card, you need to be between 12 and 30 years old. The fee is around €10 per year, depending on your country of residency. Learn more: eyca.org
- Australia - Student Edge: Though Student Edge no longer provides physical cards, you can sign up for an online membership. Student Edge offers a range of benefits for students in Australia, with discounts on over 200 brands and retailers across the country. There are discounts of up to 40% on entertainment, food, fashion, education, health, and more. It is free to apply. Learn more: studentedge.org
- UK - Totum (formerly NUS Extra) Card: This card gives students in the UK access to over 200 discounts and offers in the UK, on food, fashion, entertainment, health, and more. For example, you can get discounts of up to 40% on pizza, 10% on clothes, and 25% on cinema tickets. It costs £12 for a year. Learn more: totum.com
You can use the Student ID card issued by your university to claim student offers. Pictured: A student ID card issued by Robert Gordon University
Student Deals & Discounts
You can use student ID cards as proof of your student status to enjoy deals and discounts from many other providers, so be sure to find out if you are eligible to a student deal before making a purchase. From flights to music subscriptions, here are some examples of popular services catering to students on a budget.
- UNiDAYS: UNiDAYS is a free student discount program for students around the world. It has an online platform and app that connects students with the best deals and offers from leading brands and retailers. UNiDAYS offers discounts on online shopping, streaming services, food delivery, and more. Some of the popular deals are with Amazon, Netflix, Uber Eats, and more. You can also sign up for competitions, giveaways, and events through the platform. Learn more: myunidays.com
- Student Universe: This website offers exclusive deals on flights, hotels, and tours for students. You can save up to 30% on flights and up to 60% on hotels. Learn more: studentuniverse.com
Amazon: Amazon offers a free six-month trial of Amazon Prime for students, which includes free two-day shipping, access to Prime Video, and other benefits. After the trial period, students can continue to enjoy Prime at a discounted rate. Learn more: amazon.com/student
FedEx Office: Students can save 30% on documents and 20% on shipping services with FedEx Office by using their student ID. Learn more: fedex.com/en-us/student-discounts.html
- Apple: Apple offers education pricing on Macs, iPads, and other products for students and educators. You can save up to $200 on a new Mac and up to $100 on a new iPad. Learn more: apple.com/us-hed/shop
- Microsoft: Microsoft offers discounts on software, PCs, and other products for students and educators. You can save up to 10% on Surface devices and up to 30% on Office 365. Learn more: microsoft.com/en-us/store/b/student
Spotify: Spotify offers a 50% discount on its Premium subscription to students enrolled at accredited universities. Learn more: spotify.com/us/student
Adobe: Adobe offers discounts on its Creative Cloud software suite for students and teachers. You can save up to 60% on the regular price. Learn more: adobe.com/creativecloud/buy/students.html
The New York Times: Students can enjoy a special college rate from The New York Times, at just 99 cents for the first four weeks and 50% off the regular rate afterward. Learn more: nytimes.com/subscription/education.
Apply to Study Abroad
Student discount cards are a great way to save money and enjoy the benefits of being a student in a different country. Make sure to research the available options in your destination country or region and take advantage of these valuable resources to fully enjoy your time studying abroad without straining your budget.
Browse and apply to your dream program through the Global Admissions platform, or book a free call with a student advisor.